Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My top 3 times of day to snowboard


I'm choosing to judge my top three times to snowboard by temperature, texture of powder, excitement, and number of people on the runs.

My top three times of day to snowboard are morning, mid-afternoon, and night time. Snowboarding in the morning is the best because it's just the right temperature, and the rays of sun light shining through the trees. Another reason is if it has snowed the night before, the powder is fresh and has barely been touched. Snowboarding during the mid-afternoon is great also because most of the people who have gotten day passes have begun to leave, therefore less people are on the runs. Snowboarding at night is exciting and adventurous, and similarly to the mid-afternoon, there are very few people, most likely because of the danger it brings. Night boarding is also thrilling because it's dark, aside from the lights that are placed around the runs. These are my top 3 times of day to snowboard based on temperature, texture of powder, excitement and number of people on the runs.

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