Tuesday, October 13, 2009

5 things I would grab if my house was about to burn down

If my house was about to burn down, and I could only take 5 things, I would take my two dogs, my bird, my blackberry and my laptop. I would take my dogs and my bird because you can replace clothes and other possessions, but you won't be able to replace your animals. You might be able to buy new ones but you will never find the same animals that you had before. Not having my 2 Jack Russells would be sad because they're both so cute and have funny personalities, it would be sad living without them. My bird is cute and even though I can't really play with him, I've had him for at least 10 years so it would be hard parting with him. I would never allow my animals to die because I wanted to keep a few of my favorite items of clothing, or some of my favorite seasons of tv shows. I would take my blackberry because I love it to death and I don't think my parents would buy me a new one afterwards because it was hard to convince them to get me one in the first place. I would need to keep my blackberry because I don't think I could live without texting and facebook mobile. I couldn't buy myself a new one either because I have no money. I would probably end up with a really ugly phone from 1990 if I left my phone to burn. I wouldn't bring the charger for my phone because I could buy another one later on. Lastly, I would take my laptop because I've only had it for around 2 months and I couldn't leave it knowing it would burn and I wouldn't get another one for a while. It would not be fun going to wherever I would live, now that my house has burnt down, and having no computer to go on, no facebook to go on except for on a 3 inch screen. The 5 things I would take with me if my house was about to burn down consist of animals and my most valued electronics.

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